Get Tables - Retrieve the details of the database tables
This action retrieves and returns the details of the database tables.
<Catalog> (non-repetitive trigger [not required]): Name of a specific database catalog to investigate
(if specified, only retrieving tables from this catalog).
<Schema> (non-repetitive trigger [not required]):: Name of a specific database schema to investigate
(if specified, only retrieving tables from this schema).
<Data Source> (non-repetitive trigger [not required]): Name of data source to use
(if different from the default data source; see Connecting to an External Database).
<Auto Commit> (non-repetitive Boolean trigger [not required]): Indication whether to
interact with the database in auto-commit mode.
- If <Auto Commit> exists and a Yes value is received, the database action is performed
in auto-commit mode, regardless of any active transaction
<Tables> (repetitive exit [required]): The details of the tables in the database
(or, when <Catalog> and/or <Schema> are specified, in the specified catalog/schema).
- You get multiple Table Descriptor data structures, each containing the name and type of one table,
as well as the names of its schema and catalog.
Usage Example
"SQL Examples/View/Tabbed Pane/Database Details/Get Database Details/Get Database Details" from the
SQL Examples project: